安享花是骗子 答应协商 协商好了 不给消账 骗子公司_百度知道

  刘芒摆摆手笑着说道:“How's it going? When the contract is signed you will be a mercenary. I will pay you a 1 million dollar commission in the first place, and you will not go out on the mission first. I also know that your past things, now the world has your arrest warrant, so you still do not show up, those tasks let others to carry out it! This 1 million is enough for you to take a while!”他说着从腰里面掏出一张银行卡这张银行卡是一张新的!这是雇佣兵的规矩每一名新的人雇佣兵都将有一张新的银行卡,以后公司就会用这张银行卡进行交易!(译:怎么样?在合同是签字你以后就是雇佣兵了,我马上就胡先给你支付100万美金的佣金,至于任务你就先不要出去执行了!我也知道你以前的那些事情,现在整个世界都有你的通缉令所以你现在还是不要抛头露面的好,那些任务就让别人去执行吧!这一百万也够你用一段时间!)


  刘芒(雇佣兵公司的老大!)看王毅在上面已经签字了,他赶紧站了起来把银行卡递了上去握着王毅的手笑着说道:“Welcome, join the mercenary company! I welcome you on behalf of all of you, but we mercenaries have a rule that you have to take away your phone from now on. It is clear that you are cutting off all contact with the outside. I will give you a cell phone but”(欢迎你,加入雇佣兵公司!我代表所有的人欢迎你,但......

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